"A fundamental premise of Kinesiology is that the body has innate healing energy and is doing its best to care for itself, ? but sometimes needs assistance to achieve this state."
Kinesiology is defined primarily as the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body's structural, chemical, emotional or other energy, to establish the body's priority healing needs, and to evaluate energy changes brought about by a broad spectrum of both manual and non-manual therapeutic procedures. Kinesiology, therefore, may be understood as a system of natural health care which combines muscle monitoring with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy and body function, applying a range of gentle yet powerful healing techniques to improve health, wellbeing and vitality.
Why Muscle Testing ?
Precision muscle monitoring techniques are applied to identify & correct energy blockages within the body. Always the answer is somewhere inside you. Muscle monitoring is a natural feedback system using an indicator muscle, which supplies information via nerve pathways and the meridian system of the Brain and Body.
Kinesiology bypasses conscious thinking processes to isolate causal factors in the subconscious, body and etheric levels. Honouring this system enables the body to clear itself at its own enhanced rate and priority.
Put Simply
Kinesiology is a non-invasive method, using precision muscle feedback and body awareness that can help you to reduce stress and pain, improve performance at school, work and home, in sports, in relationships, and promotes health and wellbeing. Kinesiology helps one access the inner knowing and find again the power of choice in one’s life.
How is Kinesiology applied ?
Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) uses your body's biofeedback system through the application of precision muscle monitoring, which is applied to your unique and individual physiology. This process eliminates the need for 'guess-work.
This allows access to priority corrections the body needs, to diffuse the root causes of problems being treated. Often, problems start with subtle symptoms, which are easily missed. These symptoms change and become more serious, which over time can no longer be compensated by the body. As the brain begins to format greater competence, deleting inappropriate reactions based on past experience, you then have the freedom to create your own choices - bringing about positive change and balance.
What are some of the Corrective Measures undertaken to restore balance and harmony ?
Some of these include attention to:
Spinal Reflex System
Neuro-Emotional System
Neuro-Lymphatic System
Meridian Energy Flow
Neuro-Vascular System
Emotional Stress Release
Flower Essences and Homeopathic remedies
Nutritional Support
Lifestyle Improvements, Exercise, etc.
Kinesiology promotes enhancement of your whole being - You can be balanced to personal goals and aspirations to any aspect of your life.
Kinesiology identifies and diffuses causes of stress and imbalance in the systems of the body.
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
Water (H2O)
Water. Your body is made up of mostly of water. Approximately 85% of your brain, 80% of your blood and 70% of your muscle is water. Every cell in your body needs water to live. You can see how important water is to you.
Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that your body takes in from the air you breathe, the food you eat and the chemicals used in the various products you use on your skin and hair. Other things water does for your body is to cushion your joints. Water carries oxygen and nutrients into all your cells. Water also helps regulate your body temperature.
You need water to keep your metabolism working properly. In order for this to happen, there is a certain level of water in each of our bodies that we need to maintain. If we don’t keep that amount, our bodies will start to dehydrate. An easy way to think of it is to think of your car’s need for oil. If your oil level gets too low, your engine will start to run rough. If you totally deplete your oil supply in your car, your engine will stop running. Same with your body. Therefore it is easy to see why it is very important to drink six to eight glasses of water a day.
Some of the things that may happen to your body if you do not have enough water are that your blood pressure can fall to dangerously low levels. Blood clots may form. Your normal kidney function is impaired. You may get terrible constipation.
Some of the signals your body gives you of a low water level are constipation, terribly dry skin, and increased incidence of urinary tract infections and reoccurring headaches.
There are ways other than ingesting water that are beneficial to your body. A popular way to reduce fever is to take a bath in cool water. This helps bring down your entire body temperature, thus reducing fever. The use of water in this manner is called hydrotherapy. You will probably find you have used one or the other of these methods at some point.
Many people today swear by hydrotherapy as evidence by the many hydrotherapy spas around the world. Hydrotherapy is the therapeutic use of hot or cold water to alleviate or relieve problems. These therapies include steam inhalation, cold compresses, hot baths, showers, steam baths, and whirlpools. Hydrotherapy is often used for sports injuries.
The use of hot water helps to stimulate the immune system. It also increases your body’s circulation. Think of how many times you needed a bath to recuperate from a rough day. You soak for minutes or even hours. When you get out, your body feels less stressed and more relaxed. What do people do after they’ve had a hard workout? They take a steam bath or relax in a whirlpool.
Cold water is used to reduce inflammation. For example when you sprain your ankle, you use an ice pack to reduce the swelling. A cold water sitz bath (or regular bath if you can stand it) is used to treat constipation, irregular vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids.
Some treatments using alternating hot and cold water are to relieve upper respiratory problems, congestions, foot infections, and headaches.
There are other types of hydrotherapy to treat more serious problems but these should only be used by trained professionals as if not done properly could possibly cause more harm than it will do good.
If you are interested in further information about hydrotherapy, look in your local yellow pages or on the web under spas, health resorts or physical therapists. Always consult your health care provider before starting any new treatment including hydrotherapy.
Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that your body takes in from the air you breathe, the food you eat and the chemicals used in the various products you use on your skin and hair. Other things water does for your body is to cushion your joints. Water carries oxygen and nutrients into all your cells. Water also helps regulate your body temperature.
You need water to keep your metabolism working properly. In order for this to happen, there is a certain level of water in each of our bodies that we need to maintain. If we don’t keep that amount, our bodies will start to dehydrate. An easy way to think of it is to think of your car’s need for oil. If your oil level gets too low, your engine will start to run rough. If you totally deplete your oil supply in your car, your engine will stop running. Same with your body. Therefore it is easy to see why it is very important to drink six to eight glasses of water a day.
Some of the things that may happen to your body if you do not have enough water are that your blood pressure can fall to dangerously low levels. Blood clots may form. Your normal kidney function is impaired. You may get terrible constipation.
Some of the signals your body gives you of a low water level are constipation, terribly dry skin, and increased incidence of urinary tract infections and reoccurring headaches.
There are ways other than ingesting water that are beneficial to your body. A popular way to reduce fever is to take a bath in cool water. This helps bring down your entire body temperature, thus reducing fever. The use of water in this manner is called hydrotherapy. You will probably find you have used one or the other of these methods at some point.
Many people today swear by hydrotherapy as evidence by the many hydrotherapy spas around the world. Hydrotherapy is the therapeutic use of hot or cold water to alleviate or relieve problems. These therapies include steam inhalation, cold compresses, hot baths, showers, steam baths, and whirlpools. Hydrotherapy is often used for sports injuries.
The use of hot water helps to stimulate the immune system. It also increases your body’s circulation. Think of how many times you needed a bath to recuperate from a rough day. You soak for minutes or even hours. When you get out, your body feels less stressed and more relaxed. What do people do after they’ve had a hard workout? They take a steam bath or relax in a whirlpool.
Cold water is used to reduce inflammation. For example when you sprain your ankle, you use an ice pack to reduce the swelling. A cold water sitz bath (or regular bath if you can stand it) is used to treat constipation, irregular vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids.
Some treatments using alternating hot and cold water are to relieve upper respiratory problems, congestions, foot infections, and headaches.
There are other types of hydrotherapy to treat more serious problems but these should only be used by trained professionals as if not done properly could possibly cause more harm than it will do good.
If you are interested in further information about hydrotherapy, look in your local yellow pages or on the web under spas, health resorts or physical therapists. Always consult your health care provider before starting any new treatment including hydrotherapy.
Geopathic Stress (Natural EMF)
We all know about EMF (Electromagnetic fields)/EMR(Electromagnetic Radiation) from all electrical equipment and wiring but did you know that Geopathic stress which is natural EMF is just as harmful to us.
Geopathic stress is a natural radiation of harmful rays which rise up through the earth.
These are distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean streams, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. The wavelength of natural radiation that is disturbed in this way is extremely harmful to humans, animals and plant life.
The affect of radiation caused by Geopathic stress is the same as that of EMF but can be much worse.
If you have any of these symptoms the cause could be Geopathic stress:
It is common to hear people say that they feel uncomfortable in their homes - but they don't know why. Or that health or family relationships have altered for the worse since they moved.
Geopathic stress, just like EMF affects the very foundation of your life.
Geopathic stress can cause:
More disturbing facts about Geopathic stress
Sad statistic!
90% of babies that died from cot deaths had been sleeping in a place with Geopathic stress.
Strange statistic!
Geopathic stress is present in 80% of people that get divorced.
So you can't see it but you have to live with the way it affects you and your family's health and harmony. We have a solution that will make your house/workplace safe and happy.
The scientific technology that we have placed in beautiful, hand crafted devices is the most effective solution to neutralize the effects of Geopathic stress that are available anywhere.
Geopathic stress is a natural radiation of harmful rays which rise up through the earth.
These are distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean streams, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. The wavelength of natural radiation that is disturbed in this way is extremely harmful to humans, animals and plant life.
The affect of radiation caused by Geopathic stress is the same as that of EMF but can be much worse.
If you have any of these symptoms the cause could be Geopathic stress:
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Poor memory
- Rashes
- Sexual difficulties
- Shortness of breath
It is common to hear people say that they feel uncomfortable in their homes - but they don't know why. Or that health or family relationships have altered for the worse since they moved.
Geopathic stress, just like EMF affects the very foundation of your life.
Geopathic stress can cause:
- Resistance to treatments both allopathic and alternative(natural)
- Depression
- Allergies
- Insomnia
- Tingling in arms and feet
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Behavioral problems in children
- Cancer
More disturbing facts about Geopathic stress
Sad statistic!
90% of babies that died from cot deaths had been sleeping in a place with Geopathic stress.
Strange statistic!
Geopathic stress is present in 80% of people that get divorced.
So you can't see it but you have to live with the way it affects you and your family's health and harmony. We have a solution that will make your house/workplace safe and happy.
The scientific technology that we have placed in beautiful, hand crafted devices is the most effective solution to neutralize the effects of Geopathic stress that are available anywhere.
Far Infrared Therapy
What is Far Infrared Therapy (FIR) and what does it do
Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body surface temperature and activate major bodily functions.
Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body surface temperature and activate major bodily functions.
1. | Far Infrared expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood flow, regenerating circulation and oxygenation. |
2. | Far Infrared is excellent for detoxification. Scientist in Japan have reported that the FIR treatment of clogged capillaries, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins. FIR thereby promotes elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood; poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals, toxic substances from food processing, lactic acid, free fatty acids, and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue, excess sodium associated with hypertension and uric acid which causes pain. Furthermore, if sebaceous glands are activated, accumulated cosmetics in pores can be eliminated through the skin (sweat & oil glands), rather than by the kidneys. |
3. | Far Infrared stimulates enzyme activity and metabolism, help burn calories by raising the metabolism and body temperature. FIR heat also breaks down cellulite, trapped water, fats and waste. |
4. | Far Infrared promotes the killing of many pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. |
5. | Far Infrared promotes rebuilding of injured tissues by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury). Furthermore, it increases growth of cells, DNA synthesis and protein synthesis, all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration. Excellent for healing burns, scar tissue and skin problems. |
6. | Far Infrared relieves nervous tension and relaxes autoneuro muscles, thereby helping the body to make the most of its intended healing abilities. FIR reduces soreness of nerve endings and muscle spasms, as muscle fibers are being heated. |
7. | Far Infrared strengthens the immune system by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus. |
8. | Far Infrared strengthens the cardiovascular system by causing the heart rate and cardiac output to increase, and diastolic blood pressure decreases. Extensive research by NASA in the early 1980 led to the conclusion that FIR stimulation of cardiovascular functions would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditions in American astronauts during long space flights. |
What is Magnetic Therapy?
Magnetic Therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes. It is a non-medical method, complimentary and alternative way to enhance the treatment/relief of discomfort and the body natural healing process. It may help to improve sleep quality, without any adverse side effects. Whether used independently or as a adjunct to your current treatment, magnetic therapy is very effective for natural pain relief due to musculoskeletal injuries and chronic conditions, making it an excellent choice for anyone.
Magnetic Therapy may help the following conditions:
1. Carpal Tunnel
2. Arthritis
3. Fibromyalgia
4. Back Pains
5. Sciatica
6. General Arches and Pains
Increased Blood Circulation may help:
1. Diabetes
2. High Blood Pressure
3. Lowers Cholesterol
4. Softens Arteries
5. Reduces Swelling
6. Promotes sound, restful sleep
7. Calms the nervous system
8. Assist in relief of addictive tendencies
Frequently asked questions about Magnetic Therapy
Is there anything else that could be considered a drawback ?
Magnets are 100% safe and non-invasive but they should be kept separately from any other electrical appliabces such as televisions, computers, computer discs, cassettes and credit cards, as their magnetic fields may interfere with each other.
What is Gauss Strength ?
Gauss is a measure of a magnet magnetic field strength. Generally the surface gauss of a magnet is used in description of the strength of biomagnets. The gauss strength of 2000 is recognized to be one that is beneficial in pain management and this is the strength that we generally used in all our products.
How long does it take to work ?
Everyone is different, but the feedback we receive, indicates the effects are averagely felt between two to four weeks of using magnetic therapy, although some people have reported improvements within the first 24 hours.
If I am under prescription, shall stop taking my medication?
No. The information provided on our website is not meant to replace or supersede any instructions that you have been given by your doctors or medical professionals. Our products are not sold as medical devices and we make no guarantees or promises to results of using our products. Please contact us if you need any further information and we will do our best to assist you in any way we can.
Who should NOT use Magnetic Therapy ?
1. Pregnant women
2. People with pacemaker
3. Persons who use high-voltage machinery or work with high-voltage wire.
4. During X-ray examinations
5. Children under the age of 7 years
6. People who are allergic to metals
Disclaimer: The information about the products on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Magnetic Therapy may help the following conditions:
1. Carpal Tunnel
2. Arthritis
3. Fibromyalgia
4. Back Pains
5. Sciatica
6. General Arches and Pains
Increased Blood Circulation may help:
1. Diabetes
2. High Blood Pressure
3. Lowers Cholesterol
4. Softens Arteries
5. Reduces Swelling
6. Promotes sound, restful sleep
7. Calms the nervous system
8. Assist in relief of addictive tendencies
Frequently asked questions about Magnetic Therapy
Is there anything else that could be considered a drawback ?
Magnets are 100% safe and non-invasive but they should be kept separately from any other electrical appliabces such as televisions, computers, computer discs, cassettes and credit cards, as their magnetic fields may interfere with each other.
What is Gauss Strength ?
Gauss is a measure of a magnet magnetic field strength. Generally the surface gauss of a magnet is used in description of the strength of biomagnets. The gauss strength of 2000 is recognized to be one that is beneficial in pain management and this is the strength that we generally used in all our products.
How long does it take to work ?
Everyone is different, but the feedback we receive, indicates the effects are averagely felt between two to four weeks of using magnetic therapy, although some people have reported improvements within the first 24 hours.
If I am under prescription, shall stop taking my medication?
No. The information provided on our website is not meant to replace or supersede any instructions that you have been given by your doctors or medical professionals. Our products are not sold as medical devices and we make no guarantees or promises to results of using our products. Please contact us if you need any further information and we will do our best to assist you in any way we can.
Who should NOT use Magnetic Therapy ?
1. Pregnant women
2. People with pacemaker
3. Persons who use high-voltage machinery or work with high-voltage wire.
4. During X-ray examinations
5. Children under the age of 7 years
6. People who are allergic to metals
Disclaimer: The information about the products on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Tentang Teknologi Aenergy (What Is EMF?)

What Is EMF?
EMF is an abbreviation for electromagnetic field, and is often used to refer to harmful manmade electricity.
"Electromagnetic pollution (EMF) may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced in this century!"
~ Dr. Andrew Weil, Leading Health Expert
The environment most of us inhabit is filled with an invisible form of pollution that until recently has been largely ignored. But a growing volume of research is heightening concern that electromagnetic pollution may be negatively impacting the health and well-being of millions.
Everything that is electrical – microwaves, televisions, computers, Wi-Fi network, wireless system, Washing machines, Electric appliances and devices – emits electromagnetic radiation.
Who may be at risk?
Anyone who uses electricity.
Do you have a hair dryer, a digital alarm clock, a toaster, coffee maker, TV or computer in the house?
If you occupy a dwelling or office located near high-tension power lines, you may be at even greater risk.
Only if you live far from a city with no electricity at all like the hermit are you unaffected.
Man's ability to harness electrical power has transformed the world in a mere two hundred years since we first began to even understand electricity.
But electricity is more than just the energy that travels through lines and wires it creates an energy field that radiates from any electronic device, appliance, wire, or high-power transmission line. Our proximity to electricity places us within electrical fields twenty four hours a day.
Not until the 19th century did scientists understand that forces other than mechanical ones such as gravity are at work. Out of this grew the concept of force fields. Scientists began to realize that space is filled with invisible regions of energy that exist, unlike gravity, independently of material objects. These fields are what we now call electromagnetic fields, or EMFs.
Magnetism and electricity are interrelated, as electricity moves through a conductor, an electromagnetic field is generated. EMFs occur naturally, the earth is enveloped in a static magnetic field, believed to be created by its metallic inner core. The human body itself is electrodynamics, all cells and tissues generate electromagnetic fields.
Man-made EMFs emanate from whatever conducts or uses electricity, appliances, wiring, distribution lines under homes and along streets and highways, railroad cars on electrified lines, and high-tension power lines.
A growing body of research suggests that prolonged exposure to EMFs increases the risk of cancer.
Report cites case-controlled studies showing that children living in homes near high tension lines had higher rates of cancer that those who did not.
The public awareness of EMFs has been increased by the famous and controversial book The Great Power Line Cover-up by Paul Brodeur. Brodeur has meticulously examined reports about neighborhoods located near power lines and electrical substations where cancers are occurring in sometimes shockingly high numbers. The picture painted is alarming. A disturbingly large number of these cancer clusters, areas with increased cancer rates, can be found where people live and work in close proximity to powerful sources of EMFs.
If we wait for conclusive proof before taking action, it may be too late. Moreover, what should be glaringly obvious amidst all the discussion about EMFs is the narrow health focus. The argument is mostly limited to whether or not EMF exposure causes cancer. Could EMFs also be factors in other health problems?
Amidst the confusion and the controversy about the health effects of EMFs, clearly years away from resolution, a revolutionary new theory has emerged about how both high and low frequency radiation impacts the human biomagnetic field.
Based on recent discoveries, the most profound effects of EMFs may lie beneath the level of wavelength and frequency, at the subatomic level, the world of the electron and the photon. Photons are packets of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. Electrons, surrounding the nucleus of the atom, are not really particles in the material sense. Electrons are actually energetic regions in space, called shells, which absorb and emit energy in the form of photons. The cell can be thought of as an information center, composed of molecules which in turn are composed of atoms constantly sending forth and receiving streams of photons. Photons create a signal potential of subatomic information. In order for cells to function together in the body, the signal potential the transfer of information in the form of photon streams from cell to cell must flow smoothly in an orderly fashion, a coherent signal potential.
If something disrupts the natural order and coherence of this dynamic flow of photons, the photon stream becomes disrupted. As photon streams become more incoherent, the cellular information flow breaks down. It may be that optimal function of the human body depends upon the smoothness and coherence of the photonic signal potential at the subatomic level. If this is true, disease itself could be a direct manifestation of a breakdown in this subatomic energetic communication that is perhaps the fundamental coordinating mechanism for all physiologic activity.
This research based on an understanding of sub-particle physics that may have profound implications has led to the development of a new technology for removing EMF pollution from the home and work environment. This technology takes the form of software that can be encoded into the circuitry of electronic devices such as digital clocks. The effect is to realign the random, chaotic sub-particle energy in the environment, thus restoring a naturally coherent field. The stress-inducing sub-particle static created by surrounding EMFs is neutralized. EMF fog the electromagnetic pollution pervading the environment is cleaned-up.
Electromagnetic pollution is here to stay. The electronic age has brought us many wonderful benefits no one would want to give up, but we clearly need to better understand the consequences of living and working in environments filled with electromagnetic energies...
We cannot avoid EMFs in our environment. We can however effectively safeguard our health and heal our bodies. Some of you may be wondering whether or not EMF dangers are real. After all, there are researchers and authorities who insist that EMFs are harmless. The truth is, thousands of scientific research papers are published every year that document the health risks associated with EMFS. These studies have shown that all EMFs, regardless of range or frequency have damaging consequences.
A large body of research comes from Sweden where they have officially recognized electromagnetic hypersensitivity or electro sensitivity as a medical condition. This is a condition where someone experiences physical or psychological symptoms that are aggravated by EMFs at levels that most people can tolerate. Most common symptoms include : headaches; tinnitus; fatigue; nausea; stress; poor concentration; sleep disorder; pain; burning sensation; skin conditions; and rashes.
Research Studies
The dangers of electromagnetic radiation became apparent after World War II, when certain diseases started appearing with greater frequency among WWII radar personnel. Since then, the science and medical communities have produced a crush of evidence that exposure to radio frequencies is linked to cancers, brain tumors, lymphomas, headaches, melanomas, leukemia, Alzheimer’s, memory loss, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, high-blood pressure, and brain damage,insomnia; memory and learning disorders; mood disorders; eating disorders; depression; obesity; panic attacks, bipolar disorder; autism; epilepsy; endometriosis; fibroids; fibrocystic breasts; menstrual disturbances; prostate cancer; immune disturbances; cancer; high cholesterol; blood pressure abnormalities......
Many investigators report functional alterations in the neuroendocrine system of both animals and humans exposed to microwave or radio frequency energies. These changes occur in the pituitary gland, adrenal cortex, thyroid and gonads.
Additionally, studies have found that EMF exposure more than doubles the release of mercury vapour from dental fillings, triggers the expression of disease causing genes, damages DNA and interferes with DNA repair. Studies have also shown that cancer cell division is 24 times greater when the cancer cells are exposed to EMFs.
Many research studies have found that the ELF and radio frequency radiation can cause other biological changes.
Enzyme changes that affect DNA and cell growth; possible cancer and birth defects. | |
Changed metabolism and increased cell growth. | |
Fetal abnormalities, probably caused by enzyme changes. | |
Gene expression changes, which creates stress on your body and possibly cancer. | |
Increased production of stress proteins within cell, possibly to Alzheimer’s disease. | |
Chronic stress induced by exposure to EMFs, which can lead to heart conditions. | |
Neuro-hormone changes, which can result in memory loss and impaired brain function. | |
Electro-smog disturbs the growth of cells and the information flow between cells |
One of the keys to understanding how EMFs can influence the body may lie in the pineal gland, a tiny organ located at the center of the brain.
Based on the research, when you reduce your exposure to EMFs your healing energies flow more freely and the body begins to heal. Your nervous system and acupuncture meridian system are released from constriction. A calmness sets in. The pineal gland increases its production of hormones and important chemicals that control and effect physical, emotional and mental functioning. There is also an increase in overall energy. Cells no longer function as though in a state of emergency. As well there is increased production, uptake and cell retention of important electrolytes such as lithium, potassium, sodium and calcium. These electrolytes or ions are important for every bodily function. Because your body becomes more efficient, you realize greater benefits from nutrition, supplements and healing therapies. In terms of emotional and mental changes, people report improved sense of well being, clarity, concentration, and improved anger management. The benefits that have been reported for children show that there is marked improvement in hyperactive ADHD and asthmatic children. There are reports of increased calmness, attention span and impulse control.
It seems that the pineal gland is the organ most impaired by EMF exposure. This organ produces hormones and neurotransmitter that tune and regulate the hypothalamus, central nervous system and immune system. EMF exposure suppresses the pineal gland activity leading to the reduction of 2 important chemical messengers: melatonin and serotonin. Both are involved in regulating numerous processes and functions, however, serotonin has enormous influence over many brain functions.
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